When it was time for our leadership to pursue formal certification in AI strategy, the MIT Sloan School of Management was the clear choice. The program boasts an exceptional lineup of scientists, business leaders, academics, and technology experts.
This certification is central to our sales and marketing approach. AI and AI-powered technologies are not just the future; they are integral to today’s landscape. The notion of an “AI agency” is a misconception—every agency should harness the power of AI right now.
We have been leveraging AI for over a decade, but the rise of OpenAI has propelled its evolution to the forefront of our strategies. We anticipate a rapid acceleration in AI’s future developments, with positive and negative implications for businesses.
AI will influence every aspect of our operations, making it crucial to understand:
- The different types of AI and their unique characteristics
- How AI enhances our efficiency
- Which AI technologies are worth investing in, and their roles within our organizations
- The ethical considerations of dramatically increasing profitability through AI integration
- The evolution of AI—past, present, and future
Due to AI, sales and marketing will continue to undergo significant transformations. Our recent recognition at the Google Search Honors for Best in AI mid-market shows how effectively we leverage AI in our large-scale Google Ads campaigns.
When used correctly, AI can accelerate results in ways that agencies not utilizing AI won’t be able to compete with in the future.
We encourage you to consider an AI roadmap for your organization to clarify which areas of it can use AI to be more competitive. We thank MIT Sloan School of Management for facilitating this innovative certification and for all the amazing insights, techniques and strategy learned as a result of participation.