CRM Builder
Highly Targeted
Sales Prospect Lists

High quality lists will catapult your sales team to a significant increase in overall sales. Intelligence tools for internal list generation aren’t enough anymore. If your sales and marketing team are simply pulling lists and sending mass emails, you are not taking the right approach to lists and it’s likely showing in your results.


An image representing a meeting generated from list building.

How You Buy Lists Should Reflect Why You Want to Buy Lists

List building fills your CRM with prospects for your sales team to follow up. Your company’s performance is often a reflection of the quality of prospects in your CRM.

Companies who realize the maximum benefit from our list building service are a companies who:

  • Have inside salespeople who can cold call prospects.
  • Sell a product or service business-to-business.
  • Are using the list to actually sell rather than to simply perform marketing email blasts.

Are you trying to make lists just to blast emails or close actual deals?

Our list building service results in:

  • Filling your CRM with only the right prospects (improves MRR and sales numbers overall).
  • More connections – more closed deals.
  • More effective time management.

List Building Services


Our List Building Services Are Different

Prospects in our lists are not generated simply by using data insight tools.  We work hard to ensure that the prospect is the right decision-maker, still works at the company and any email we have found isn’t scraped. We only target prospects who meet the defined guidelines for targeting. This means every prospect your sales team contacts is highly qualified.

Additional advantages include:

  • Improves brand accessibility to the market.
  • Ensures consistency in sales efforts, regardless of the workload of your sales team.
  • Supports SEO by integrating optimized content into discussions (which we create for you).
  • Ensures all prospects are nurtured.

On LinkedIn, social selling can be facilitated through a leadership profile. However, we also offer discounted rates to facilitate social selling on behalf of individual salespeople.



Insights tools are often full of scraped emails. Bulk data uploads mean many prospects don’t work for the organization anymore and intent data is really only of value when it is real time and you are prepared to act on it right away. To us quality is always more important that quantity.

When we validate a prospect for inclusion in a list, they are validated in four key touch points:

  • Insight tool.
  • LinkedIn.
  • Search.
  • Company / company releases – which is especially helpful when prospecting executives.

The goal isn’t just to have another email in a list, it is to generate high-quality prospects that your sales team can go after.


We overcome CASL compliance by only working with prospect emails that have been published somewhere online. That means you can email them for up to six months – though we don’t recommend a mass email approach to our lists.

Additionally, we offer lead nurturing programs on LinkedIn once your program gains traction.


If you are an organization that isn’t yet ready to engage in an expensive platform like Zoom or ABM platforms (which must be operated and validated), this is the perfect solution for you.

We will work with you to map your actual sales resources and establish a list volume that is consistent with your sales team’s ability to follow up quickly.



Our lists can be delivered via excel or updated, labeled and assigned in your CRM.


If you don’t have the resources to tackle the prospects we can augment your efforts by reaching out to them on your behalf on LinkedIn.



These are precision targeted ABM lists that provide prospects have engaged with your brand, where you know what product/service they were interested in and how interested they were.

PLUS we will provide you with the decision-maker based on who you are targeting, intel about the company like size and industry and complete contact information for the decision maker.



We work with partners who can support you if you don’t have the in-house resources to cold-call your prospect lists.


Our Results

Curated List Achieves Results Well Above Industry Standard And $240k In Opportunities

Leveraging LinkedIn Top 100 Lists Results in a 400% Return On Spend

Company Increases MRR Substantially Through CRM Clean-Up and Prospect List Management

CRO Attends Conference with Five Major Intros Lined Up by Pulsion and Lands Quarter Million Dollar Opportunity

Want this kind of growth?

List Building FAQs

Sales insights tools often don’t have the most current and accurate data. Scraping the web for emails and bulk data uploads leave your sales team calling companies where people don’t work there anymore, where emails bounce, and this can can impact your overall sales significantly.

Our lists are most current because the data is researched at that moment. We check multiple data points and work to ensure that you have the most accurate prospect information quickly.

Sales insights tools often don’t have the most current and accurate data. Scraping the web for emails and bulk data uploads leave your sales team calling companies where people don’t work there anymore, where emails bounce and this can can impact your overall sales significantly. This can turn your CRM into a hot mess with list uploads upon list uploads occurring over time.

Our focus on data accuracy is night and day over what you will get after following up reams of prospects loaded in mass lists.

We check multiple data points and our information is researched in close proximity to when it is delivered. Data tools don’t have context. We know how to evaluate a prospect profile for inclusion based on it meeting the requirements.

SQL’s are sales qualified leads. Sales qualified leads come to you when there is intention to purchase your services. Lists produce prospects and those can become SQL’s wants sales and marketing engages.

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