Supported an Insolvency and Tax Practice in Transitioning their Online Brand After the Acquisition

  • Accounting Industry
  • Automated Email Marketing
  • Automated Email Marketing Management
  • Buyer Process Mapping
  • Communication Planning
  • Compliance
  • Conversion Path Mapping
  • Custom Code Development
  • Custom Wordpress Website
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Digital Content Creation
  • Financial Industry
  • Google Adwords Management
  • Google My Business Management
  • Google My Places Management
  • Google PPC Management
  • Inbound Marketing Assessment
  • Integrations
  • Off Page SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Professional SEO Services
  • Project Planning
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing Management
  • Social PPC Management
  • Social Selling
  • Website Development


A consumer insolvency practice firm recently acquired our client, and they wanted our assistance regarding brand transitioning and rebranding. Our primary goal was to improve their brand placement, brand positioning and competitiveness within their industry. With the specific goals in mind, we created a digital marketing strategy that included several campaigns based on several different objectives.



Image representing the transitioning of an online brand

The Opportunity

We used a multidimensional approach to help our client with their rebranding needs. To target their buyer persona on social media, we built a new website followed by an inbound strategy to bring in high-quality traffic.


The Plan

Keeping the current objectives in view, we created a complete rebranding campaign. This included creating new branding elements focused on financially struggling individuals and families. This also included a new business name as well as several other product offerings. The focus was to understand the buyer persona, their behaviour and preferences to create a rebranding strategy.

We developed and published a custom WordPress web design with a strong focus on usability, compliance and functionality. To achieve high rankings and generate the most leads and conversions, we optimized both on-page and off-page SEO and usability. The website also had a self-maintainable CMS that gave our client an easy-to-use way to manage website content with minimal technical expertise.

Apart from the website, we executed a range of digital marketing campaign efforts to ensure proper brand positioning and visibility among their target audience and industry professionals. These campaigns included social media marketing management, precise LinkedIn and Facebook management, Google PPC management and an automated inbound email marketing program that would target four different streams. The goals behind our efforts were to increase partnerships, leads, conversions and referrals.

The Results

Our client’s rebranding was successfully launched and met with positive feedback within their industry. These efforts increased our client’s exposure among their existing clients and customers.

We continue to work with our client and manage their digital marketing initiatives. We’re able to drive consistent leads, conversions and referral partnerships.

Do you have an upcoming project?

We would love to discuss how we can help support your objectives.