How Data Analytics and Content, Paired Together, Fueled a 220% Increase in Search Engine Visibility

  • Analytics
  • Conversion Path Mapping
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital Content Creation
  • Geotargeting
  • Off Page SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Professional SEO Services
  • SEO Audit
  • Website Development


This case study will talk about how we assisted our client in improving their web content quality and increased their engagement through data analysis and analytics. Our client is a well-known IT company in Canada. Currently, they were facing challenges related to industry keywords, which, in short, affected their online visibility and engagement.


Information Technology

Data analytics case study.

The Opportunity

Our client wanted to improve the quality of their web content according to their target buyer persona. To achieve this goal, we used data analytics to study their audience and analyze their behaviour and patterns. We used the same insights for content creation. To target prominent industry keywords, we also created an SEO strategy.

The Plan

Additionally, we looked into conversion paths, seasonal trends and ROI analysis to create strategies that are angled at growth. These insights allowed us to create content precisely targeted at their target customers.

We developed a central keyword strategy with a strong focus on industry-related keywords and geotargeting. On the other hand, we improved the quality of their website content by creating geotargeted, search-engine-optimized landing pages. We also added new blogs, web content and other promotional materials.

Over time, the addition of blogs improved the online presence and visibility of search engine results.

The Results

Through our efforts, our client was now ranking on the first page for “IT company,” which is a highly competitive keyword. Our data analytics-driven efforts improved their content quality and overall online visibility.

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