Curated List Achieves Results Well Above Industry Standard And $240k In Opportunities

  • Automated Email Marketing
  • Automated Email Marketing Management
  • Curated Lists
  • LinkedIn Organic
  • List Building
  • Prospecting


A campaign was needed targeting C-Suite level decision makers in technology companies across Canada and the US.


Marketing and Advertising

The Opportunity

The goal was to generate a high-quality curated list of all C-Suite-level decision makers in technology companies who use HubSpot.

The Plan

We curated the list using our unique process for validating prospects, which involves a combination of LinkedIn, search engines, and select insights tools. We then initiated an automated email campaign and followed up with prospects who engaged with email through direct solicitation on LinkedIn.

The Results

This was a cold list and the effort towards quality bore it’s fruit. We achieved open and click-through rates FAR above industry standards for B2B selling in this space. This is a difficult industry, so driving 2% SQLs with two deals in play was an absolute success.

  • Number of prospects in the list: 273
  • Opens: 54% (Industry average 29.47%)
  • CTR: 21% (Industry average 1.85%)
  • Bounce rate: 14% (Industry average 12.96%)
  • Conversion rate (SQL): 2%
  • Deals in Play: $240k
  • Investment: $2k

Do you have an upcoming project?

We would love to discuss how we can support your objectives.