Automation a Necessity in Times of Economic Hardship

It’s no secret that Canada is suffering from a housing crisis. And while housing eats into more of the average Canadian’s budget, the pressure to compensate may be affecting CROs. Combine this with a protracted inflation, supply chain disruptions, market volatility, and fears of recession and the entire C-Suite is facing a crisis.

What does this mean? For many companies, it’s about making the most of what they have. 

But there are still ways to get ahead despite economic uncertainty. It is possible to maintain-even increase-efficiencies without increasing headcount. For this, automation is key. 

In fact, investment in business process automation is one of the fastest ways to improve efficiency and productivity. From sales, service, marketing, commerce, IT, human resources, finance and more, automation promises to make everyone’s job a little bit easier. 

Automation not only reduces repetitive, monotonous tasks. Automation also relegates these tasks to software that can deliver a better (on average) customer experience, reduced error rates, improved compliance, and lower stress for teams.

At a time when companies are looking to boost efficiency and trim costs, CROs might be surprised to learn of just how financially advantageous automation can be.

Prioritizing automation helps business leaders focus on increasing efficiency, improving results, and delivering value.

Time is money and, according to WorkMarket’s 2020 In(Sight) Report Employees consider many aspects of their jobs to be repetitive and open to automation, while business leaders claim that significant portions of their workdays are ideal fits for automation and AI. In fact, according to this report, 53% of employees state that they can save up to 2 work hours a day (the equivalent of 240 hours per year) through automation, and 78% of business leaders posit that automation can free up to 3 work hours a day (the equivalent of 360 hours per year).

Building complex, multi-departmental workflows has often meant substantial investments in development and tooling. With operational efficiency top of mind, companies need low-code solutions that give anyone the ability to build and deploy automation quickly.

By automating onboarding and internal process while aligning tech stack, marketing, and sales email automation, companies can quickly improve workflow. The ability to quickly and easily automate workflows helps companies achieve faster time to value, whether by reducing case handle time, boosting conversion rates, providing faster quotes, expediting client onboarding, or streamlining order processing.

Automation is no longer an option but a necessity. With the rising cost of living and need for improved scalability, companies that introduce automation technologies are better armed to withstand economic uncertainty while improving efficiencies and, consequently, productivity.